These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Salut, la vie

Things are lookin’ up. I’m almost done with my annotated bibliography. I discovered that I was typing in font size 10, so when I scaled it up I’ve got way more than he asked for. Now I just need to make sure that I’m not doing quantity over quality. Next week, I begin to experiments! They’ve got most of a paper written, but need a little bit more data on flow velocity in this weird set up they have. It’s like a cylinder with an inverted cone on the bottom, and it’s full of tiny marbles. They’re looking at how water flows through it. Pretty sick, and I get to play with it.

I talked to some people at work! For entire minutes. We discussed where Oregon was. Also, one dude said that they’d take me out on my birthday. Not sure who he was talking about but mostly himself I think. How do you get to know people?!?! The only ones that talk to me are the ones who want to get into my pants. I guess you hook up with them and then they introduce you to their friends, who become your friends. Damnit. I have the worst strategies. The only other network I can think to exploit is the expat community, but I don’t just want to be friends with expats. Fuck.

After work, I took a detour on my way home. I was intending to go to an English bookstore (yeup, see above paragraph) but got distracted by everything else. I’m definitely going to continue to explore the area of town around the capitol. I wanna find where I was last time I was in Toulouse, because it was also very nice, but so far no luck. This area I was in today has a lot of tiny streets with all kinds of shop and restaurants. On sunny afternoons like today everyone is out with their friends at bars. I eventually meandered home and dropped off my computer. I went out again and crossed la Garonne, but the other side of the river wasn’t as nice as my side. 

Then I came home and ate salad and watched Asterix et Obelix aux Jeux Olympiques. The sound quality isn’t very good because it’s just a file and not a DVD, but if I watch it more than once I’ll pick up more of the rapid-fire French comedy. 


Also apparently the water-people play soccer tomorrow afternoon. Down. But kinda too embarrassed to play. Oh but I want to. It’ll work out.

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