These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Drunken Ramblings about Reed from a Long Time ago (Lutz Report)

There’s nowhere to go but down. The surface is empty and exhausted (épuisé). On top of that, your compatriots ask you nicely to leave. So you DIIIIIiiiiiiivvvvvvvvveee.

Boom. Welcome. Oh it’s sweet. You can taste the disgust in the back of your mouth, like an exboyfriend you see every day (welcome to reed guys) Look look look try to absorb your new, subterranean environment, Try to erase all that sick and burning smoothly rocking real time. Ooooh comfortable darkness-so nice that the quest makes the background AS DARK AS YOUR HEART. I see you. Everything is new and different and I want to give it all to you but it’s not mine to wrap and bow and gift tag and under a tree and find at midnight carefully peal the tape take a peak wrap back up back away dammit the floor creaks and the stairs are scurry friendly as you find your comforter and know no one can find you once they know you’re there.

Everyone is so ready to be present. I advise a healthy delay. No one knows who you are and I include you in that number. Pulpit preach, silly girl, making things simple. Remember how we were underground? Protected by layers of silicon? Removed and hidden. NO ONE CAN SEE US. Do what you want and the rest can go frolick in its fields of grass. Us, we trot on molten lava. And you don’t feel it at first because that’s what Ritalin does, friends. No, really, Tha’s an HPV. Don’t go there. I believe firmly in letting yourself sink into the heat and burn a new layer of scales into every part of your body. Because if you don’t emerge a reptile you’re doomed to extinction. The dinosaur thing was a fluke, really, you need skin that’s has a higher tolerance than this bullshit homo sapien sapien integumentary system.  Dude. Do away with that bid’ness.

Okay, back to our subterranean home. I meant for this to be a story but now I’m too drunk. I could either paraphrase the matrix or go on and on about how reed might totally isolate reality from this random ideal that why did anyone create?

 Andwhy do we all have the same dream.

God I love everyhitn.

Have you ever been in a cave? I went once. I said I needed to go to the bathroom, because there are no bathrooms in caves, and I thought that if I asked for one then We would leave. And we did leave and thank god because they were going to make me swim 60 feet underground. I’m uncomfortable with this concept. But that’s what we’re doing right, Swimming underground meters upon meters under this sturdy and unforgiving soil, the wreckage of adeventures past that burned in the renn fayre bonfire. Have you seen that fire. Have you seen the halo around their heads. Is it not worth crying for. Is it not worth living at 48.48 degrees north and 122.63 degrees west where the variable fulcrum works directly against any progresss you make?


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