These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

More Mundane Ramblings About (non)Adjustment

I bought orange toilet paper, for novelty. Little did I know that it was colored to underscore the fact that it was scented. I was only seeking the one unusual characteristic, but now I am stuck with both. It smells much like a car air freshener, but doesn’t really appear to freshen the air very much. I am clearly doing some serious living in Toulouse.
On that note, jetlag is still in its semi-fatal stage. My concentration is poor and my eyes are heavy, but I fight on for the cause of circadian rhythm. My strategic pool grows: after eating and spinning fans and reading some more science I have gone on to writing. I will later proceed to reading and perhaps finally a movie, though that will only prolong my alertness for a few minutes. I am tempted to continue on a schedule of early to bed early to rise, but then I will never ever have a life. If I am able to postpone sleep until 8 pm, I will be very proud of myself. I had some very strong coffee that is no longer in effect, which only makes my job now harder. At least I wasn’t falling asleep while trying to understand fluid dynamics this afternoon.
The question of internet remains a great trouble. I will allegedly have access to the internet soon, but I signed a document that says I will only use it for research. I’m going to ask how strict of a rule that is. The IMFT has wifi, but that is a place of work and I don’t want to mix business and pleasure. It’s going to be problematic if I can’t have internet here, because I don’t spend any Oregon business hours at the IMFT. That means I can’t call the bank, or skype my friends, or what have you. Luckily my father wakes at 5:30 am, so I will be able to contact him pretty easily. ON VERA.
Also, how will I look up punk shows and make a google calendar of all the things I want to do?
Things I want to write about later:
1.      1. Tips for solo international travel (especially students/young’uns)
2.    2.   Education, from the Perspective of One Who Has Seen Many Systems and Has Some Opinions Based on Slightly Removed Observations.
3.     3.  Buk Tox (Book Talks) cuz i reed
I guess I will publish these in order once a day like a queue in tumblr. Still pretty quotidian because I can’t deal with my life right now, but that’s what it needs to be and when my thoughts get deeper you’ll be the first to know.

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