These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Self Portrait

I am a walking sacrilege. My breath falls on God's brow like hurricane and His eyes fill with tears against the screaming wind. My eyes never weep. They are dry like cool lava, they are an amorphous solid, they have not welcome in any physical state. My lips part like the jaws of egoism and devour the unsuspecting fool who does not look beyond himself. I drink my own blood. My tongue whips like irony on a raw heart. The world is my Medusa and if I look too close I turn to stone, and it turns to snakes. Good thing we live in a land of mirrors. A cage without windows; there is nothing but bars. Calvin and Hobbes play ball with my brain and it gets lost near 23rd base, with the time-space continuum vortex. I'm flying faster than light, because I have no mass and my wave function is one everywhere but is still normalized.
Wait that's not me; it's Chuck Norris!
I know this isn't funny but I had fun and that's what counts #freebitch oh my god I need to stop with the hashtags.

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