These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I did math again

I did math again for the first time in what feels like years.

I found a job at MIT Media Lab that looks so awesome. I'm almost qualified for it. I just need figure out if the engineering is really for me. The perfect interdisciplinary life is waiting for me, somewhere.

It was the last day of my Confucius Institute Chinese Class. I left work ten minutes early, and the sunset came at me in between tunnels on muni as chocolate covered espresso beans took over my feelings.

Chinese was weird, but I really appreciate the friends I made in that class. We saw the propaganda arm come out a little bit, which was funny.

In the dungeons of the Civic Center Bart station a girl sat next to me factoring polynomials and I thought... that could be me.

I'm 870 pages into 1Q84. A main character is a math prodigy and math teacher, and I'm a little jealous of him.

And then I finally cracked open Boas when I got home, and I took half a page of notes and did two quick arithmetic problems before I started to tear up. Not from a panic attack or anything, but just from seeing an old friend who I had a falling out with and I might be ready to forgive.

It's not fun yet, but it doesn't hurt as bad. I'm going to take it very slow, and forgive myself as well.

Friday, June 12, 2015

up down shang4 xia4

Going up the stairs, I lean left. My left ear drops towards my shoulder; my shoulder dips away. My right hip comes out, in order to let my torso fall in. I walk up the stairs at a speed prescribed by my tilt, measured to keep me standing.

On the way down, I don't lean. My chest raises, and my chin distances itself from the bounce of my feet against the painted wood. I slow down when I get to the cracked step, landing carefully without pinching myself.

Not so balanced, then.

I'm learning Chinese, because I am going to China.

I had a weird day, but we can mostly blame the 16 ounces of coffee on an empty stomach. No, it was just weird. I sent Anna my thesis.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Good Mo(u)rning

I am overwhelmingly frustrated. I'm stressed, I'm annoyed by most everything, my house is a mess and I have to move out of my office today. I know that these are just the rain falling from the emotional tempest that is finishing college and allegedly moving on with my life, but that doesn't stop me from feeling gross.

My family will be here in a couple of days. A graduation party. Commencement. And then after Monday my whole life evaporates. Right? 

No. No no no no no. Those are "sillysilly" nos and "makeitstop" nos at the same time. 

I thought maybe I could explain my feelings to the internet, since I can't explain them to my friends, but I appear to have been only half-right.

I need to exercise and also get off of the couch but there is a dude in my bed and I don't want to disturb his normal sleep.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Imagination is a curse

I'm going to finish Farscape before the school year is over. I'm recovering from an acute allergy attack on Monday night, so I'm sitting on the porch with a face mask protecting me from the pollinated breeze. The sun is setting, and the sky is green between orange and powder blue. It's unsettling, but I've been inside all day, dead enough to watch tv for hours and hours, and now this moment of clear-head and open-eyes is unspeakably refreshing. I can say that with authority, because I have been unspeakable all day, so I am familiar with my terms.

My re-introduction to speaking came from Eugene Guillevic today. In the haze of an afternoon Benedryl I found myself in fine form to read French poetry. I found on that tantalizes me... It's Du dehors:
Le roc non plus 
Ne sait rien de l'image 
Qu'ont de lui les amants 
Dans son ombre adossés 
Aux vestiges du temps.

Ce qu'il sait, c'est la force 
En lui du tremblement 
Qui ne l'a pas quitté,

Son rêve d'être ensemble 
A pénétrer le lieu 
Fait de l'autre et de soi

Confondus dans l'approche 
Et dans la découverte.

Mysterious, no? What dehors? L'autre et soi? Lovers? Metaphors? Referent? QUESTIONS!

Of course my oral defense may be more important than the 5 to 7 page French paper, but it's important to starting thinking early on. They are both supposed to happen on Friday, but I think I'll try to delay the French paper. Then it can be my last assignment of undergrad.

And my last paper will be about Hum, for next year's freshmen. I look forward to it. It'll be a perfect reflection for me. Maybe I'll tease them with that: I wrote this for me as much as for you. No, too patronizing? I can never figure out what that word means.

So, my laptop battery is going to die soon, my skin will start growing goosebumps in the cold, and I will need to blow my nose. The future infringes on our moment together, Blog, showing its hand as it often does, taunting. 

I have had my fun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

I think I was excited for Pwoemrd month because it would get me back on the blog


^my mood

When I care about artistry, this blog is much more fun. Facebook, Doge-speak bullshit is fun if it disappears in 4 seconds, but if I'm working on a chronicle of my life it's less appropriate. I say that to other people to make them laugh. If I say it to myself, it just makes me a little embarrassed.

Trying to thesis still. It's coming along slowly. I'm not sure how 2 weeks isn't putting me in panic mode. Really it's 3 weeks, but being almost done by stop making sense would be ideal. Real talk, I'm giving my seminar presentation in 2 weeks and that's really when I need to have some data to show off.

Hopefully I buckle down tomorrow, and monday and tuesday and wednesday and can show some stuff off to Joel.


Women in Math and Physics brunch was today. I think that we got a good mix of advice, angst, intergenerational communication, complaining and problem solving.

But, you know, in a month I'm out.



Monday, April 6, 2015

sucking at pwoemrd month even though I've been looking forward to it for so long







Ok, enough for now. So self-indulgent.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

life philosophy

sometimes I think anyone can make it, it's just up to luck

sometimes I think that's true, but true talent/power finds the way a little easier

sometimes I think genius is all that matters

sometimes I think that specializing is the most important thing

but I really try to be well rounded, a renaissance woman (minus the music, did davinci play? and hell, visual art is hard)

and with this attitude I am supposed to find a job and build a life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pwoermd Month

"April 1st, is the beginning of the cruellest month, least commonly known as International Pwoermd Writing Month (eighth incarnation)."
Today I tried to develop film from a disposable camera that expired in 2008. The pictures were too light to print.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

I bought a new "designer sketchbook" journal

so suck on that.
btdubs alison bechedel is such an artists
btdubs italo calvino breaks my heart
btdubs sometimes I know it's not as good as it could be and I like it that way
btdubs I don't believe in good anyways

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

during a whippit trip

something about whether or not i'm an addictive personality
and if I was a drug addict, would i get help?
and some catch 22 where whatever I did would mean something either way
not only that, but one choice would mean that it was going to go one way or the other
I would be a drug addict and not ask for help
or that I ask for help when things get bad/have a support network
then i got overwhelmed and froze and my hands looked spindly

Pro-tip: even if what happens on whippits is also terrifying, nitrous is a great escape from a panic attack.
Really just ritual helps. I lit a candle, picked out 5 canisters (only did 3)

The whole addiction thing was triggered because I said "not now" instead of talking to the friend who had triggered me, and finished a whippit.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

the downside

As I think more about writing the lists of tips for being a writer that pop up on the internet are suddenly addressed to me. I don't like them. I disagree. Stop talking to me like I need your help.

I think that's another reason why I would rather be a scientist than an artist. Surprisingly, I feel like there is less societal baggage around what it means to be the former, even though the latter is so much broader. I think it's because of the myth that scientific authority is not contingent. As if artistic authority is any more or less so.

Another convenient aspect of identifying as a scientist is that most of the world knows that they are unsure of what a scientist is. Everyone knows what an artist is, of course.

I love it when artists turn out to be ~something else~ like an engineer or whatever. Because then it proves that the category is open. Though I also tend to hold them to a higher standard. How dare you branch out unless you truly deserve to be two things!?!

I got sick yesterday and I'm sicker today and these are the musings that come from a slouched frame and a heavy head in chair the color of incense.

Monday, March 16, 2015

No, future, you don't get to hear about the important stuff like events and what my life actually is

I'll only know what the important stuff is in retrospect anyways.

So, instead, I write about little feelings that make me want to write. Who remembers how to chronicle adventures? Not this girl. I could write about yesterday's drive I suppose, but...

I've been looking through a Reed-dropout's comic-drawing blog while I procrastinate on starting my thesis programs. I notice two main things: the fluctuations in quality and the metacontent. The first interests me because of the way that I do things with my writing. This collection is largely unedited, unplanned, and therefore really not my best work. Hell, it's technically my worst work, since I don't put anything I do for school or work on here in case someone checks for plagiarism and finds the blog. I guess I put a few things up from previous years, and I'll definitely let my creative writing assignments join the diary since they are really just polished versions of the same exercise. Back to the point: some of the pieces she put up were very polished, some were sketches, and I wondered if they belong in the same place. When I graduate I expect to start a new online presence. My plan is: I'll get a website, and attach a professional blog to that, and I'll start a new personal blog that I expect my friends will read for a few weeks and get bored of (like this one). Maybe I'll write a newsletter that I can put on a password protected part of my professional blog? Anyways, I think I'll reorganize my internet presence.

Wow, I really derailed. Basically, the quality differential reminded me of the power of really polished pieces. I've been reminded of that by sharing my creative writing assignments too. I want to figure out a way to keep writing polished work after the class is over.

Part two: metacontent. I love metacontent. All content is really about the form, about writing, anyways. But metacontent makes me dig that out of the parts that aren't direct.

The way that her blog had metacontent was very tumblr, of course. The content is picture posts, the meta is text posts, but it still flowed very naturally. I was never surprised by her feelings in contrast to her work. I like that her work exhibited her trepidation and excitement to be trying to turn her passion into her life.

I wonder how I would do it. I don't think that this blog always shows what I feel about writing. Maybe I've been feeling more than usual. Do I take it too seriously? Not seriously enough?

I don't think anyone knows how much I like to write. I don't think I do. Why do I hide this from people? I guess I worry that it's presumptuous to share it.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


I had dinner with some of my dad's friends from Reed, plus my uncle (also a reedie), plus a daughter, plus a husband. The daughter is sitting across from me in the thesis tower studying for a bio exam. She's a junior in high school, staying at my house, and might apply here. She's doing the College Tour.

I just read my first David Foster Wallace story, even though I checked out his Lobster book from the library in high school. It was good. I guess I had been prepped for the bad, but even that wasn't bad so much as amusing. What does he really mean by being so pretentious? His descriptions are really beautiful, and his themes are subtle. It was about the Illinois state fair, I think. Or Indiana. I hope it's Indiana, because of Justin, but I think it's Illinois, because there were Lincoln references.

I wanted to write about generations of Reedies but my not-pregnant uterus is cramping and I think I will go to bed now.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I need a word for this feeling, because it's been going on for so long and people are asking me how I am

Ever since Dramagate2k15 blew over, I've had a bizarre feeling. I have definitely been overstretching my time and energy. TI've also felt fulfilled and rewarded, with a surprising nagging guilt about half-assing things that I would love to give my all: my thesis, my friendships, my boyfriend. Adding up all of these feelings... how am I? Good, I guess.

My writing has been going well, but I'm noticing that I hang on the reaction to the piece more than the piece itself. On the one hand it makes sense because by the time I'm anywhere near finished with a piece I hate it, but I wish that my feelings didn't depend so strongly on whether I'm appreciated. I should be proud of the piece whether or not someone tells me it's good.

I had a nightmare that two professors, Morgan and Sonia, thought that I was a bad writer. I haven't even had either of them for a real class. It gave me a tight stomach for hours. I also read most of a really lovely piece on N+1 that made me think I'll never write this well, and I think that's what triggered the bad dream.

Then my friend read both of the essays that I wrote for my Personal Narrative class and was really impressed. Now I think that I'm a good writer again. You see? This is why I studied physics. At least I'm consistently mediocre at that. Or, consistently good at some parts and bad at others. Writing, it seems like it's all or nothing.

It's not even about how good I am now. When I read something really incredible I think could I ever be that good?

That's really a false question, because I could never have imagined when I started this diary how much more fluid my writing would become. But then I wonder: is it neutered? Is it disingenuous? Is there an objective better? Have I stopped writing narratives and started writing scenes? Is everything I write somewhere in between?

These are productive wonderings, not because the answers matter, but because I ask these questions without realizing it in little turns of stomach, in stutters of anxiety; now they're finding words. They matter now in my head instead of my gut, and that means that I can disassemble them.

I guess I see a future in my writing now, not just a present. That's what this writing class has given me. Physics classes have faded my future in science.

The future: murky forever.
Right now: also pretty murky.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A scholarship essay I won't send

I wrote this for a scholarship yesterday as I was coming up, but I will need to redo it to fit the question a little better. But, in case I forget, this is what my writing is like on Adderall. Also, I feel like it was good for my emotional processing.

It’s important for me to distinguish what I learned in school from what I learned because of school. I hold them in equal esteem, but they do not cohabitate easily.

My learning in school arrived in the form of equations and theorems, but has been digested into a more general training to accept information. I have learned to learn, and do distinguish real understanding from superficial knowledge. It began at the physics seminar. I started attending the weekly talks in my freshman year, usually as the only student my age in the room. I considered it a good talk if I was completely lost fifteen minutes in, but my average was closer to ten. I went anyways because I didn’t think that my classes were teaching me science, rather they were teaching me a body of knowledge that would be useful one day when it was finally time to be a scientist. In retrospect, I think that I knew subconsciously that I was learning a very important skill: understanding where my understanding stops, and to try to push it further.

Now in my last year I understand all of the seminars, and my academic work deserves credit for that. Fourier analysis is often the key to a complicated plot, and my basic backgrounds in optics, quantum mechanics, and programming give me the tools and vocabulary to support more advanced ideas. I often hear words that I learned in my summer research in microelectronic fabrication, fluid dynamics, and electrochemistry. If I make a low-ball estimate and say that I attended 80 percent of seminars (accounting for illness and serendipity, and augmented by extra chemistry, bio, summer seminars, and conferences) I have gone to about 200 scientific talks. Some were well-presented, and some were laughably unclear, but now I can tell the difference and that is a valuable skill. It also means that even in the tiny field of adaptive optics, I’ve heard two independent research summaries. My education has given me access to a world of incredible learning, and a broad sense for how science advances and where it is going. I have trained myself to listen to something I don’t understand and gain as much as possible from the experience.

I learned harder lessons from school. It took almost as long for me to see why I felt rejected by science as it did for me to understand seminars. The sexism that I witnessed from peers, teachers, mentors, or even invited speakers was invisible to me for years, only gradually accumulating as unlocalized resentment.

Not too long ago, science and philosophy were the same field of study. I think that science should again turn a critical eye to its very form. I have watched sensitive, quiet thinkers consistently pushed to the outskirts because the harsh “you get it or you don’t” attitude that exists in every discussion, in every textbook, in every classroom. It is a luxury to sit quietly for four years on Wednesday afternoons, to have given myself this safe space to understand or to not understand, to recognize whether my knowledge was lacking or whether the presentation was flawed.

My education will enable me to listen and learn, critically, within the scientific community and outside of it. My eyes are open to the technical minutiae of thermodynamics, and the microaggressions of classroom dynamics. I look forward to rejoining the academic world in a few years to see what I can fix, where I can teach, and what I can learn.


As usual, the title is the space given to a concept to interesting to write about: the French verb for to make a surface or object pointy or sharp, or to provoke a defensive reaction. Lovely little overlap.

I finished looking up all of the words in the Ponge poems for Tuesday. Having so much time to do my work I often think that I will be able to do it slowly. Actually, I can't just look up words and then understand their meanings, I need to think about them. My conspicuous aversion to thinking has not mellowed out. I made it through, reading the french dictionary and at the end of the sentence thinking "why didn't they just say that it means to weld, instead of all that bullshit about joining metals, physically or chemically, by melting them with flux etc etc." Then remembering that google translate never was a dictionary, and words are not actually defined by how they are said in other languages. Thinking.

But now I am prepared to really read them next time. I'm definitely intrigued by La Bougie, and now that I know all of the words I'm sure it will be even better.

Well, I don't know all of the words. I have them written out with definitions, but it's not enough. I think that reading from a real dictionary will help. A one-to-one correspondence with an English word is not enough, because the French one will not replace it or even join it in my brain. I'll have a moment of recognition, and then forget.

Of course, the will to expand my vocabulary is not so great, until I find a gem with strange imagery like herisser. Accent aigu on the first e.

I think that I am done working for today.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Midway through Saturday

I'm about to pack up my school work for the evening. I'm going to a play, then hopefully I'll find something to eat or I'll just head somewhere to watch a movie, or I'll talk to people. We'll see where the Adderall takes me. I've started feeling a little dizzy and nauseous, but that makes sense since the only food I had today was at 11 am and now it's 7. I wrote some thesis, and did the bulk of my student consulting work, and wrote an essay for a scholarship, so productivity was decent. I think that sober productivity might have been higher, but I enjoyed writing thesis and scholarship so much that it's kind of irrelevant. It was just fun. Exciting. Not pleasurable in the normal sense of getting work done, or thinking and finding ideas, but I was just thrilled to be concentrating. Adderall is such a weird drug.

I'm worried that the thesis writing I did wasn't super useful, but it can probably be edited into good material.

I never showered after all.

I'm not sure if I want to see the boyf tonight. Maybe I should figure out what's been a little off lately. I think it's mostly that some parts of our relationship feel like they're being taken for granted. Or at least they could be made more special. Sex, obviously, but also our connection in general. For the first few weeks it was like we were so impressed with each other and ourselves and now it's like "of course." Also, we need to talk about opening up the relationship or at least what we're going to do once Stop Making Sense comes around.
I don't know why I'm worried about these conversations when our past real-talks have gone so well. I think it's because of the herpes scare (which I don't have, let it be known). Things were tense for a week and now it's hard to remember that they don't have to be. I also didn't want to talk about opening up the relationship when something as slut-transmitted as herpes was on his mind.

Welp, I feel like I didn't say anything of substance here and I mostly just wanted to be typing, but maybe this will jog my memory pleasantly some day. I'm glad to be writing here at all really. I want my last semester of college to be documented, but it's hard to synthesize. Hopefully social media will provide a good history.

I wonder idly about spending this summer building something with more artistic integrity around my journals. I hadn't thought of using social media to augment it. Huh.

Starting Saturday

It's been a while, huh.

I'm trying to start work on my thesis, on my homework, on my job, on my life, but I'm looking at pages without really seeing words. Maybe if I make some words I'll believe in them, and see them. That's how ghosts work, why not words. 

I would rather be writing than reading, so maybe that's what I should do. Yes, I'll write today. I wrote all week: a long essay about my house for creative writing, a short essay about a lovely poem for French. It goes:

Nudité de la vérité
“Je le sais bien.”
Le désespoir n’a pas d’ailes,
L’amour non plus,
Pas de visage,
Ne parlent pas,
Je ne bouge pas,
Je ne les regarde pas,
Je ne leur parle pas

Mais je suis bien aussi vivant que mon amour et que mon désespoir.

But my very favorite is:

L’aube je t’aime j’ai toute la nuit dans les veines
Toute la nuit je t’ai regardée
J’ai tout à deviner je suis sûr des ténèbres
Elles me donnent le pouvoir
De t’envelopper
De t’agiter désir de vivre
Au sein de mon immobilité
Le pouvoir de te révéler
De te libérer de te perdre
Flamme invisible dans le jour.

Si tu t’en vas la porte s’ouvre sur le jour
Si tu t’en vas la porte s’ouvre sur moi-même.

But now I'm supposed to read Ponge, and I can't dig my eyes into it. Even rereading these two was hard. Yes, I am supposed to write today. Not so bad.

I want to summarize how my life has changed since last I wrote, but it's unclear. I'm dating someone, not sleeping alone, not sleeping around, I don't have herpes, and I might get a job in the Bay.

It's all a dream, and I thought of a beautiful summary on Twitter last night:

It's like I'm daring someone to make me pay for my sins, but they keep throwing money at me.

It's sad that I've stopped thinking about morality as something I can have, but I still think of sin as something I can have. Essentially, I can never do right but I can very easily do wrong. My life's philosophy needs some work. We've encountered an error.

I should have showered. But I know that I will later, and probably enjoy it more. Oh, maybe I'll watch one of the films I barely have the attention span for. Oh.

OH! The scholarship essay. I will write that.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

L'aube je t'aime j'ai tout la nuit dans les veins

in greek there was a word for
“rejoicing or saying goodbye”
and in french we read
"I love you at dawn I have the whole night in my veins"

but we can't spend a day apart.

there's also a greek word for "swells like a quince"

thinking about "emotional wilderness"

Friday, February 13, 2015

Of course tomorrow is Valentines Day

Of course my love/sex life is a hot mess right now.

I feel insane. 
There is so much irrationality in the world. I am so un-zen. 

I would show not tell but honestly I'm too embarrassed. 

I just hope he sorts his shit out soon because I can feel the steam leaving my body. It feels inexhaustible right now (which is its own brand of scary) but I'm still not excited about it.

Weekend. Keep my shit together. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

show this to him when he finishes firefly


I'm overwhelmed. I'm not sure who's in control. But things are falling slowly into place, I think.

I will not succeed in describing the emotional turmoil that has swept me through the last few days. I don't know if I can capture the aftermath. I've overtaxed both my rational and emotional reserves and everyone in me is drowning dry.

Standing-big-ocean is the rough translation of a scottish-gaelic word that means awe and loneliness like at the edge of a cliff. People are incredibly fragile and nuanced, have you noticed? Maybe I'll stop standing at big ocean, if I can somehow combine careful reflection with honest reactions. 

So, L is alright. That's what matters. Hopefully AD's response will be to learn. Mine certainly was. In case one day I forget, after the qual party I kissed him and it got intense and wild and it was too much in the end. I wasn't thinking, because I didn't know I should. I asked, and he absolved me from responsibility with the answer we needed to fuck it up. I was confused, I was mislead, I was an idealist about it. This is bullshit, but I'm not going to rehash it again. This is all that's left. Some weird ideas, and some actionable items that came out of the idea that small things matter, and feelings should be verbalized.

After the party I went to dinner with my parents. They left me on the far side of campus where I met E in his room and we watched Firefly and we touched too much. His too much is a lower threshold than L's, so we can pretend it's completely innocent and it's nothing. But when his girlfriend was going to come home soon we got up and ate cake and when we laid down again we were in a different shape. It was so calculated, and I felt like we were lying.

Fast forward to Wednesday. In the morning L announces that everything is fixed, and the future is bright. I breathe easier. In the evening E comes to my house and we sew and we're making pants, but really what we're doing is not touching. We go hours without saying anything straight into each others' eyes. We make choices slowly and we don't tell each other the reasons. We barely even invent them, until we're moving as if there were no forces on us. We walk to Safeway and buy a dinner, a feast really: giant steak, kale, mushrooms, shallots. Dessert shipped up from the Bay. Shopping for food is so intimate, I remember men pushing carts like I remember injuries, it's ridiculously raw. Am I old enough to conflate my crushes? Can I start thinking of it as a pattern and not a miracle?

There was a miracle though. It was so easy to talk about. After dinner we were in bed and watched TV and I wasn't sure if I could put my head on his shoulder so I let me forehead touch it and I compromised and compromised until I got my way through tiny little contacts. Then we shut the screen and it was dark and we kept pretending for a while and then he put his arm under my neck and we still didn't talk about it for a while. We hinted. He mentioned selfishness and I groaned. He asked why and I said "I'm feeling pretty selfish right now."

When we finally talk about it... I don't remember how it even came up. I wish I did, because this is not the last time I will be in the dark wondering what we're going to do, and I don't know if it will ever go so smoothly again. We were already in agreement. I said something and he understood. He knew when he was being silly and liked that I told him. 

So. This is all surprising. Ask me three weeks ago--or read this "blog" three weeks ago--and this was not the future. I guess there was some privileged information missing from my predictions.

I hope this reads like reality, because it doesn't write like that. It writes like imagination, except my imagination never puts me in pain. It puts me in harms way and then everything works out. Not only does it work out, but I defeat the danger with my bare hands and then bring home a trophy. Sometimes I donate the stuffed bear as a monument to women in physics. It stands in the P240 foyer. I wish I was kidding but this is my most frequently replayed fantasy.

I hope that this last piece of this barrage of surprises doesn't explode like it could, like the last one did. The only think that's still whole is Z, and that hasn't happened for a week. I have some things to talk about with him. I hope he can hear them. Everything will break. Leave my ideals in the dust. This'll be fun.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

des eternels regards l'onde si lasse

I have half an hour before my creative writing class and I don't want to review the reading.

Second semester has started strangely. I haven't been doing any physics; not even my thesis which is going to become a problem. My creative writing class has short reading and writing assignments that feel like writing here. That is to say, they don't feel like work. I only read a few pages each week for French, because it's a poetry class. I look up all the words, I think about it, but poetry is a new field for me and I am clumsy so I don't go far. Then I sit in on a class about ancient greek epigrams and a Hum class. I feel moist with art.

Time is flowing smoothly, too smoothly to notice. Two weeks in.

When I'm not in class I walk around with purposes. Meetings, errands, a pile of homework in my hands. The meetings happen and then I'm with my friends. I go eat cheesecake and end up watching Firefly. I talk about a project and then we fuck in the AV closet in the Hall of Power. I walk home and Liana is sitting on the stairs while A mops the kitchen. We laugh until it's too late to do much work. I read personal narratives and drip in bed while steam wafts from the shower to my messy room.

And this weekend is the Qual. I have very intense memories of Qual day. Everyone does, I suppose, even if that memory is just "extreme intoxication." Well, mine go back an extra year to my first 2C-E trip. I walked into the building and my heals were the only sound and my friend looked up at me and then I left. New memories are on their way.

Um. I'm sorry to have abandoned this place. I'm sorry to have abandoned physics too. But I assure you these places are very different. They're different in the extent to which they are "places." The way I regret them is different. I am relieved that physics is gone. I say to myself that I will come back to it but I'm honestly not sure I will. Don't tell anyone though, this is the last and only time I will say that before it is time for a reckoning. This place... I wish I was pulled to make my experiences permanent. They feel fleeting, they feel like moments and instants and it feels wrong to mold them into stories right now.

Stories are so powerful. Humans of New York is raising millions of dollars with a story. PR companies are making millions of dollars with stories. Capitalism is held up by stories. I am stories, this is stories, so why does my life not feel like a story right now? I keep having the urge to talk with people about things I did alone. I want to tell stories that tell someone who I am. A real story is immersive, and I'm just throwing things onto a surface, waiting for a pile.

So, like Le Pont Mirabeau, I'm full of nostalgia and rejection of sentimentality today. Good, let's go to class.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

trust oxidizing

the title is just something I thought was pretty

recently it dawned on me that I've listened almost elusively to Overgrown since last May.

and I'm not even ready for a change.

I'm in my friend's room in Menlo Park, he applies for REUs while I read the last of the Eragon series many years too late.

This trip to California has been... surprising? Shocking, but in a zen way? I feel like I'm knowing a different part of myself, and seeing how I might be done with Portland. I thought I wanted to put down roots. I thought I was tired of travelling. What I realize now is that I will have friends in many cities in the world by the time these 4 years are done, and that's like a foot in the door. San Francisco beckons. New York winks. I feel freer, and I see the people I could be in these new places. Bitter-sweetly, I see that Portland doesn't give me as much room to grow as I thought.

Such a fruitful trip, but I feel like I can't unpack it all in the moment. The calm, the discovery, how different fear tasted here... too complicated, too unexpected.

I'm also afraid that once its over I'll forget it. I could go back to PDX and get sucked into my old routines and my old self.

Can you tell I've been reading young adult fiction. I should have written after reading Kafka on the Shore and maybe my thoughts would be more nuanced.

I guess it almost feels like I can't unpack these feelings. They're a teaser taste of what I'll get when I leave.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Things I have temporarily given up on

People as individuals

A lot of stuff falls under that and I'm not going to list it all. I hope the idea of "personal" returns soon.