These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


As usual, the title is the space given to a concept to interesting to write about: the French verb for to make a surface or object pointy or sharp, or to provoke a defensive reaction. Lovely little overlap.

I finished looking up all of the words in the Ponge poems for Tuesday. Having so much time to do my work I often think that I will be able to do it slowly. Actually, I can't just look up words and then understand their meanings, I need to think about them. My conspicuous aversion to thinking has not mellowed out. I made it through, reading the french dictionary and at the end of the sentence thinking "why didn't they just say that it means to weld, instead of all that bullshit about joining metals, physically or chemically, by melting them with flux etc etc." Then remembering that google translate never was a dictionary, and words are not actually defined by how they are said in other languages. Thinking.

But now I am prepared to really read them next time. I'm definitely intrigued by La Bougie, and now that I know all of the words I'm sure it will be even better.

Well, I don't know all of the words. I have them written out with definitions, but it's not enough. I think that reading from a real dictionary will help. A one-to-one correspondence with an English word is not enough, because the French one will not replace it or even join it in my brain. I'll have a moment of recognition, and then forget.

Of course, the will to expand my vocabulary is not so great, until I find a gem with strange imagery like herisser. Accent aigu on the first e.

I think that I am done working for today.

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