These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Things I Resent in an Article About David Bowie's Influence on Pop Culture

(Sorry for the weird formatting. If I copy and paste ANYTHING into blogger it shows up really weird and whited out. If you find weird whited out shit just highlight it and you can read it. Anyways, my solutions to this are not graceful.)

Usually the NYT is pretty quality, but this article had
two things that made me really sad:

"After the ’90s, a period dominated by the grit and
authenticity of grunge and gangsta rap, the 2000s saw the return of artifice
and glitter."

Fuck you grunge is more authentic than glitter. Also,
gangsta rap isn't authentic. It's not. "I make money off of drugs and
shoot things." No one does that and also lives a really public lifestyle.

"While it’s unlikely that Ms. Minaj is directly influenced by Mr. Bowie, the

parallels between his serial personas and her constant image changes are clear."

Is it just racism that Lady Gaga is clearly "an inheritor" of Bowie but "It is unlikely that Ms. Minaj is directly influenced by Mr. Bowie" when they're doing basically the same things?

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