These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Misleading Title

Having a lazy Friday night. Stayed up late, woke up early, you know the drill. But tomorrow is Fetish Ball and I will be the sexiest librarian and I will carry around a The Delta of Venus and if people want me to spank them with it I totally will and if people want me to read it to them I totally will and if people want to fuck this crush out of me they totally can did I say that?
My heart just starts beating really fast and I get all confused and flustered and I want to kiss him.
Never give anyone power! No power for anyone! Except you. Keep all of the power.
It was more exciting when I wanted to care about him. I don't think that I can handle being jerked around like this anymore.
Anyways, back to the happy shit, Fetish Ball and then party in the French House basement which means darkness and intimacy and goddamn I really need to get laid.
Also, note the clever use of a picture taken of me in Madrid to make you think this post would be reflective or something. Nope. I couldn't bare to outright lie to you though, so I left out the misleading title. Or did I?
This is way too complicated and I have way too many feelings and lots of my friends are in Seattle for a debate tournament so this weekend is gonna be super weird. I should just watch TV and fall asleep.
Also I was looking at facebook and found this picture that I am also really into. You know, just putting them up so that a thousand years from now I will look back and grin at the thought of my youth.
So I guess this ended up being reflective? Or just mostly confused. I am a pile of confused. Who knows. What even. My brain cannot absorb all of the stimulus that gets thrown at it. It rejects some  quantum physics, some linear algebra, and a helluvalotta social cues. WHATEVER AT LEAST NOW I CAN DO TENSOR PRODUCTS. My brain doesn't reject calculus so much.
Wooo my life.

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