These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Reflecting On Nice Things to Avoid Wanting To Die in a Hole.

So, as of today one of my friends from early in the Reed days is probably going to be arrested. I don't want to text him and ask how he's doing because he said that every time he gets a text he thinks that it's the PoPoPo. I sat next to him for lab lecture while his palms sweated and he fidgeted and made nervous conversation during the lecture and it was probably more stressful for him than me but some of the stress definitely transferred to yours truly.

Now I'm listening to Page of Cups, which is super soothing. I'm also kind of trying to get out of something that is way too close to a date. And my room needs to be cleaned. Clearly I am backsliding into stress-zones.

So, let's talk about Saturday. I woke up naturally at 11 am and cozily read some of Madame Bovary outside of Nommons and in the Thesis tower. Then I went to Kara's to make alien bastard children out of clay for her claymation stop motion porn film. I think that makes her the coolest person in the world. Then I went to my uncle's house for dinner.
The shrimp was like art slipping down your throat. The salmon was a a secret that let you in on it as you let it in on you. Grilled onions and a cheery salad rounded out the main course. Then Neuhouse Diavola Chocolate biscuits followed by Tillamook Mudslide Ice Cream. My food-baby was painfully rambunctious after that much deliciousness.
I went home and watched half of The Life Aquatic. I'll finish it later.

Sunday, I settled down in the Thesis Tower for more work. At a little before 1 Nikole suggested we go do work elsewhere. We hopped into Sisu and headed towards Mt. Tabor Park. On the way we ran into a garage sale where I bought a rainbow feather boa. So, that part of my life is complete and fulfilled. Then we drove around the park for a while before finally parking and stepping into a half-built house. The floors seemed stable enough, and the walls only had a few bracings that were clearly temporary. We stayed far away from the caution tape, and just read there for an hour and a half. It felt like a tree house. Naked wood and nails laying around, and us two being really sketchy imagining what the police would think when they gave two kids trespassing charges for doing homework.
Then we went to Laurelhurst Park. The first bench we investigated was the one my family got in memory of my grandfather. So we sat there and did more reading. As we read, squirrels dropped acorns all around us. They seemed to circle in, dropping closer and closer to our unprotected heads and finally the stress of it all forced us to leave. We headed back towards campus, stopping at bimart so that I could buy supplies for graffiti. Turns out you have to sign for all of the supplies you buy.

I don't know. Writing really hasn't made this feel better. But at least he won't be arrested today. God.

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