These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Following a Week of Madness, Some Nice Things From A Weekend

This week was an emotional shitstorm. I felt the need to begin the end of the silly unhealthy flirtation that had been going on for months. In addition to that, I was massively, unnecessarily honest a few times over the course of the week. Mostly people didn't notice, but mostly isn't everyone and I felt rather uncomfortable after realizing what/how much I'd just shared sometimes.
The only good part of the emotional shitstorm was becoming invested in the graffiti effort at school. I painted/drew on the bathrooms almost every night, with cohorts of other people. This kept me up into the wee hours, but I also bonded with the Blue Heron kids and the Poetry Night kids via the furnishing of the ingredients of colorful deviance. That part almost balanced out the unpleasant oddities and general imbalance of the week.

But come the weekend, there was a bit of a shift. First, Kroger's inauguration took place. There was so much situational humor under that large white tent that 3-4 hours of sleep rather failed to restrain my giggles. When the Oregon State Treasurer cited Steve Jobs as one of Reed's great contributions to the world, and evidence of future contributions, I could barely contain the amount of mirth, shock, and indignation that I experienced. I left thoroughly giddy, especially after watching the entire faculty parade by in their fancy robes. There was even a bagpipe.

The food was scrumptious, and reminded me that the same kitchen can cook good meat and it tastes great, or shitty meat and it tastes shitty. Yay Nommons. Anyways, I sat with Olde Chittick and enjoyed their sassy nicotine-flavored company, as well as some alums who had interesting stories/opinions.

I also had not one but two awkward encounters with the Legendary David Griffiths. No country has yet been wise enough to knight him, so I'll just go with Legendary. However, if I am drunk enough at Renn Fayre and I see him and anyone in the immediate vicinity has any kind of sword-esque implement, I will run over there and knight him for his services to the realm. When I first conceived of that idea I thought I would never do it but having written it all out it sounds not only awesome but also viable.
Anyways, beyond the potential future encounters, when Bennette said "Do you know David Griffiths" while in line for food I said "Uh, yeah, I mean, I've seen him around" And proceeded to derp as hard as anyone has ever derped. Later, near desserts, I ran into Bennette again. At that juncture he invited me to a bar that he was going to with David, and I had to admit to being only 19. Good lord.

Then the band started. This guy was the weirdest. I will not dwell too extensively on his weirdness, and instead provide a quotation from one of his songs:
"Dick sucking whores moving into the neighborhood, some call it gentrification, I call it good"
This man played music at the inauguration of my college's president. Good lord.

Then I got a little tipsy with Sasha, Blum, Lea, and Darcy before going off to see the fireworks. They were lovely. Everything was just lovely. Even the music was lovely, if you didn't listen to the lyrics and just danced. In a flippy giddy mood I bounced over to the Cockpit, for a birthday party. There, I witnessed beer pong and talked a bit.
But it turns out that sometimes you're just in a messy mood and need some whipits.
So I went to the Chittick party held in Birchwood 13. I shotgunned one with the person I had decided to stop flirting with. I felt really silly about that for much of the night. Then I did two on my own and left before I could be tempted into any more. I ate half a space cookie too. When you hear that the recommended dose is one NOT two cookies, that really means .5 cookies. That's my take on it.
I went back to the Cockpit and sat on the roof with Edith and Justin and we all felt foolish together. At least I think that's what we were feeling. Maybe I was just projecting.
But the party went on and eventually I found myself sitting in a circle of Blue Heron kids. We all shared a 40 and chitchatted until we were the last people in the house. We left towards campus at a little past 2 in the morning. A beautiful interesting brave spunky inspiring kid walked next to me with his arm over my shoulder and mine ended up around his waist and we jumped to smell flowers and it erased all feelings of foolishness with feelings of silliness in the best way. I dawdled with them as much as I could, but I decided to go home because I had to sleep. It was a good choice, I think. I'd rather go home with that kid some other night, with more connection backing it up.
I feel good just writing this.
I'll do Saturday and Sunday in some other post. Those were good too but it's really time to sleep.

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