These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

for three years I had roses and I apologized to nobody

This line in V for Vendetta is where I cry.

I've been burrito'd in blankets on the couch since 5 pm, reading, interneting, reading V for Vendetta, housemeetinging. It wasn't really an enjoyable 6 hours, but I was feeling poorly so I didn't have much choice. I thought about inviting someone over but I didn't want to mope with company. I got really chilled this afternoon at an interview, and it's hard to recover from that without a full night's sleep between me and the 3 hours of dampness.

Yeah, the interview was a barbecue in Laurelhurst Park. It was fun, I met some interesting people. Social anxiety sat on my shoulder throughout, but I tried not to let it weigh me down. They'll have us around for more interviews, and I get half off a sensory deprivation float, so it was a pretty good deal even if I did lose an afternoon to bodily trouble plus some aporia.

I just saw a video simulating a euthanasia roller coaster. Considering writing a story about a group of people who have decided to die for science or something, who get to know each other. Question the meaning of life/death etc. Wow I am feeling heavy feelings today.

No reason I should be (apart from reading V for Vendetta) because I have some good news as of yesterday:

I HAVE EMPLOYMENT pretty much nailed down. I'll be working at OHSU doing electron microscopy stuff and it is pretty much ideal. I can't believe it actually happened. I'm going to check out the lab on Tuesday, and then Wednesday-Friday I'm going to the symposium on Bioimaging at the Nanoscale.

I know that this post doesn't really merit the title, but I've been a little too fuzzy to really recount the last few days. It was a wild weekend, but now I'm stuffy and sitting on the couch and I can't dream myself back into a state of excitement.

Some other time, some other journal, maybe. I promise this summer is off to a good start.

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