These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Renn Fayre Office

Monday in the Renn Fayre office, lookin' at tumblr porn and planning a week long festival of knowledge in the room that generally hosts the preparations for a three day bacchanalia. IRONY. Well, kinda. In another sense, Renn Fayre is also a celebration of knowledge. A celebration of surviving the knowledge.
This weekend was unusual. Some dormies did an endurance audiobook project in the Chapel. They read As I Lay Dying for 5 hours straight. They thought it would take longer, but it was still great even if they didn't go totally crazy. I brought some butcher paper up and planned out a potential vaudeville show for Reed Arts Week. I hope it's not pretentious. Amendment: I hope it's not too pretentious. I have this image of people dressed like children pretending to be pirates on a raft. They're lured into deep water by mermaids in police hats. The mermaids aren't singing, instead they sound like approaching emergency vehicles. My rotating red light is on.
Sirens, get it.
Anyways, the atmosphere was really cool. I took some video for them, and fetched a sandwich.
Then, Edith and I went off to watch a movie with her Man-Toy. It was about Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Mumford and Sons, and the Old Crow Medicine Show going on tour on a train. It was a private showing in the theater, just 6 people. There was enough sentimental americana on screen to fatally wound any devout cynic, but there were no casualties.
Later that night we were going to go to the Zappa dance, but then we were too tired so we laid in bed. At 11:30 ish, Edith got a text from the Man-Toy suggesting that we go to a "Truly Epic" show after party at his house. How could we resist?
We spent a while getting dress, and then we were joined by some other kids. Sisu carried us valiantly up to NE, and we listened to bluegrass. Funny moment:
I say to Wyatt "how about that bluegrass huh?" He says "That's not bluegrass" I say, "Um... what is it then?" "Back Yard Hip Hop Shit."
There were bluegrass bands inside. He was talking about the people rapping by the fire. Situational humor, but I will laugh about it rereading this.
On Sunday I got out of bed at noon. Then I went to Page of Cups at Backspace. Jesse Lane opened for  them, and he was really good. Page of Cups had a lot less energy than I had seen them have before, but I still love their songs so whatever.
Then Edith, Em, and Lauren showed up as they were finishing and we went to a bluegrass show and ate calzones and pizza. Edith and Em ordered "elixers" since it's an "elixer bar" and they had all kinds of weird combinations of nettles and bilberries and lavender and things. They were FANTASTIC though. I don't know what they used to sweeten it but it was taaasty.
Anyways, not a lot of work got done but I'm still sick so I don't give a fuck.
Happy almost-end-of-the-semester slump. It was riding right on the heels of the mid-semester slump. Bullshit.

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