These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tidbits of Reed Life. It's Hard To Sort Everything.

I was wondering if I would be getting drunk on every single weekend night at Reed. The answer is, surprisingly, no, as of this Sunday, September 4th. Instead, I was able to consume mega-tasty blackberry custard, play two rounds of chess and one infinite game of ping pong with improvised paddles, and see Harold and Maude, which is a chill movie. It was definitely nice, even though I was still up till three because, well, I had to see the end.
Also, support for the fungus club is mammoth. Pretty much unbelievable. I get stopped in commons and told the someone will be “top sixing the fuck” out of the Fungus Among Us, even though they aren’t on the mailing list yet. Fantastic. Also, hanging out with Lyle is a lot of fun, so it’s easier because my cofounder is super awesome. Also, (Anna, you should recognize this characteristic) he had a phase of “I dunno if I’m ready for this level of commitment to the project” and was honest about it and got over it, and for once that was not me. And next time it is me, I will learn from his most graceful example.
I went to the bins yesterday. Clothes by the pound. We calculated that they would probably pay for themselves pretty rapidly as laundry is so unreasonably expensive here. Also, a pain to accomplish as there are but two washers and dryers in the dorm of around 50 people and it’s pretty hard to move through the cycles. But Reedies are pros at Challenge Overcoming, so I managed. Phew.

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