These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Fungus Among Us. Described while Drunk.

Say one day, you were wandering in the woods. Then you see a man bending over and you wonder what he’s doing… Lo, he is examining some juicy chanterelle treasures.  Oh la, if only you possessed such skill, such mastery of the subtle art of mycology, that you too could bend over with such poise, such taught-ness.  Well, that dream will soon be realized, in the company of friends: The Fungus Among Us. We open for you a gateway to unbelievable enlightenment without ever touching a psychedelic shroom! Perhaps you wonder: how will you achieve this masterful status? Just show up to any or preferably all of our events, created in the name of inquiry and knowledge. These may potentially include the following: a) trekking through the woods, uncharted territories, where no Reedie has gone before (unless they went on the Gray Fund trip last year) b) hours of painstaking research into the fantastic mystery that is the field of mycology, the kingdom of fungi, the world of chitin-soaked cell walls c) the gustatory odyssey of a well cooked portabella. We might also grow them. No promises on that front. Unless we get 30 bucks from Reed. Love, Julia and Lyle.

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