These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Good Lord. Fridays Could Hardly Get Any Crazier.

It began innocently enough. Das Racist played at Reed yesterday, and it was a decent show. The music wasn’t particularly amazing, but everyone got really into dancing, and the stage was full of us. Basically an excuse to dance like a crazy person with some mildly famous people. Could be worse.
Then it was over, and the Tir Na Noggies I was with decided to go back to the dorm to chill/sleep/homework. UM. NO, it’s Friday night. So, I went back to the dorm and got my ipod newly updated with Shostakovich’s 5th Symphony and then listened to that and read Tank Girl in the basement of the Gray Campus Center. I finished the book, and then walked towards my dorm, the long way.
And thank God for that. As I approached the Blue Bridge, it filled with a bottleneck of bikers. Some looking normal, some all a-glow, some on double bikes, one pair on a back-to-back recumbent (yes, that works.) I watched them roll by, cursing myself for not wearing shoes and not being near my bike. Then, I sprinted to my dorm and put my bike shoes on and followed their trail.
I took a wrong turn, but met up with other people who were looking for them too. Eventually, we caught up at a stop at a convenience store where everyone was buying booze. I met Lauren and her friends, who were also going for the first time. Then we rode out.
Everyone was a little tipsy (not me, yet) and it was pretty much a blast. In the end we were on a gravel path along the Willamette river… Somewhere.  Near the Sellwood Bridge. Then, there was a party. It was BYOB, but someone gave me one because we were talking or something. I don’t remember the rationale. Anyways, I basically danced for a while and then realized that I didn’t have my ID card so I was locked out of my dorm. It was about 2 in the morning at that point, so I called Andrew and asked him what to do seeing as I was drunk, didn’t know where I was, and had only my phone and iPod. He suggested that I head back to Reed post-haste, and then I could crash in his common room or somewhere. Thank goodness for voices of reason.
So, I started to bike towards Reed. Then I realized I was lost, so I asked someone to guide me. He had a boombox and was headed to NE, and I was going SE and at the time we were SW so I figured I’d at least get the East part down. Turns out he led me about 10 miles out of my way, but it was a good ride. Also, my first macking since coming to Reed. Also, he showed me cool spots around the river. It was nice.
But crazy weirdness at one of them. We walked down a ramp to a dock that floats just a tiny bit over the water. It’s really pretty. But on the way down I dropped my helmet off the edge onto some rocks. We decided we’d get it later. Then we walked by a backpack, thinking nothing of it. We hung out by the water for a while, then I decided I really should go let Andrew sleep. So we started walking back… and my helmet was sitting next to the backpack. Creepy. Really creepy. But also nice.
By the time I made it back to Reed, Andrew was asleep, and it was around 3 am. My backup plan was to crash in the comic book library (it has nice couches and is light-proof.) But late at night all buildings except for the student union are swipe access only. So, I went to the SU because I really had to pee. Also, there was fantastic music emanating from it. So, I used the toilet and listened to some piano and then walked around with “Terry” who hitchhikes and chills. We had good talks, and then decent smooches. It was slutty night for me.
Then I finally crashed in the comic room a little after 5. Woke up at 8:30, waited for someone in my dorm to wake up, was let in, showered, went to breakfast and gorged myself on foodstuffs. I was really hungry. REALLY HUNGRY. So now I’m back at my dorm, finishing the paper that’s due in 4 hours. What a crazy fucking world.

This is the organization I was with. I believe some permutation of last night will be repeated.

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