These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

herbert blau was a huge nerd

“It is the hauntedness of being-perceived in the beginning which is in Artaud--whom Derrida has studied as a mirror of thought--the reason for madness. It is also the ontological basis of what for Artaud is Original Sin, the idea of an audience, the specular entity whose name suggests the Word, the thing heard. The audience--the ones who look--is the look of the Law. It is the audited reflection of originary division and primal separation. [...] It is a sign of the original bloody show in the ritual drama, the loss of precious parts of ourselves that are only re-membered in dreams. It is the preying eye of the specular ego which depreciates us and soils us in the name of a lethal power which steals both word and flesh. It is the insinuating difference in a structure of theft, or rather the double that inserts itself between ourselves and birth, [...], the nothing that posits itself between us and origins, what comes to be the history whose name is death.” (17)

blau u have a newborn child put down the bong.

jk this just blew my mind 2 smithereens.

i love finals but i hate finals but i kinda wanna always be this amazed and if finals are how that happens then i guess i love finals

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