These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, July 8, 2013


My room smells of fish. I splash of mackerel juice found its way out of the can and is making my life a living hell. The mackerels have been been thrown out on the charge of being excessively fishy. They were not thrown out quickly enough, however, and I eagerly await the day that my room regains its neutral odor.

I may need to do some laundry to achieve that goal. But I need to do laundry for other reasons, like going to work. So, as the situation grows more desperate the amount of good that will come of it increases. By the time I actually get around to it, I'll be in a state of ecstasy at its completion. Why hurry?

I have a similar theory with regards to opening a bank account in France so that I can be paid for my minimal contributions to the water-place.

In any case, the window of my room opens out into a dramatic sunset and lets in the last of the daylight for this typing to take place. My writing has taken a backburner to my reading lately, as Anna Karenina is a jealous mistress (spoilers lol). I do have a small mountain of letters to send, but my journals lay around in their lonesomeness and my diarying has less flavor for me. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed by the fishiness at the moment.

I did write the first 500 words of a story the other day, but I'm not sure that it will materialize into anything. I did feel madly eloquent for those 500 words. That's part of the problem. Now that I had such a comfortable start I have no desire to drag myself through any of it. Also, dialogue is so difficult. I need to either hunt down that play I started or begin another one and practice practice practice. I'm too comfortable describing. I need things to happen. I need to share the moment with the characters.
What if I wrote an entire novel without any dialogue. Self-serving.

Look, at this point I'm just writing to stay in the habit of writing. Same with the 15 minutes I just spent with Radiohead and my fans. Gotta buy a ticket to Pacific Fire Gathering. I think I'll also buy Mathematica tomorrow. I can't live without it. Spending dollahs. Worth it.

Somehow many of my coworkers have heard of Burning Man through TV shows. Apparently in a Simpsons episode they go to Burning Man, and some other show too. I am curious as to what these portrayals are like. Anyways, Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man I cannot wait.

I also can't wait to start Le Trone de Fer which I bought yesterday. 300 more pages of Tolstoy and then it begins.

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