These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nobel Laureate:Wikipedia as Mathematica:Sage

In that one is fancy and the other is for plebs but they'll basically tell you the same thing. Brian Schmidt won the Nobel Prize (with a bunch of other people) for figuring out that the universe's expansion was accelerating. For more information, see wikipedia.
But honestly, it all seems like a bunch of hooey. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, both placeholders for something we don't understand. It was frustrating to have such a cursory explanation too. He was also pretty proud of being an experimentalist and hated on theorists a bit. My physics professor spent that part of the talk with her head in her hands.
On the way back I laughed a lot. Physics majors are fun when they aren't doing homework. They drew penis' on the window and then had to erase them suddenly when we pulled up next to the van with the professors and upperclassmen in it. One of the professors had teased us on the way up and then ditched us on the way back, so we thought if they'd seen them we could just blame her. It turns out she'd just lost our group and didn't ditch us on purpose. This was after we confessed our heartbreak to her.
Good Monday. Didn't do much work, but whatever.

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