These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Friday, April 12, 2013

In other news, my spirit animal is a transistor.

Holy shit this is such a good day.
I woke up this morning and did a physics test. Did you read that? I did a physics test. I didn't stare at a physics test with despair in my heart, I didn't let tears fall gently onto the page, I didn't wail and drown my sorrows in a small bottle of champagne; I DID A PHYSICS TEST. Probably got a decent score. Statistical mechanics are my bitch.
Later that day, I ate yummy shrimp salad rolls while reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics where there were HUGE DEVELOPMENTS THAT I WOULD NEVER HAVE FORESEEN HOLY COW I WISH I COULD TELL YOU ABOUT THEM BUT THEY WOULD SPOIL EVERYTHING EVER.
It was really exciting.
Also, cute and awesome dude from Okcupid who has MYCELIUM tattooed on his knuckles gave me his number so now I have to "give him a buzz" and that's really exciting! I got that message before taking the test which made me rather more chipper than I had been, which is especially impressive because I was already super chipper because I KNOW PHYSICS.
Then my friend got a flat tire and I got to help him fix it!!! Dirty hands, use of knowledge, playing with tools: funtimes. Then I made Turkish coffee and we sat around shooting the shit. Yum.
Now, I am about to go to a workshop on Radical mental health which sounds like a really cool thing to learn about. My body is starting to feel the caffeine really hard now.
After that, there's Pool Hall Formal. I've never been to one, but they seem like a rollicking good time.
Then, Chervona is playing at Reed. They are an awesome local/Russian gypsy punk band and I am so excited to dance a lot.
Life is so goddamn good right now.
And I think after I pass the junior qual I'm going to get a tattoo of a transistor.



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