These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pre-Game Halloween/Too Good To Be True

Halloween is on a Wednesday this year. That means that there's no one weekend that it is closest to. Instead, there are two weekends that it is closest to. So, this weekend there was a cool party, and next weekend there'll be a great party. Love it.
Chittick started the evening early. The day before we had driven out to a pumpkin patch and bought some gourds. I had mostly ridden around on the hay ride. It was meditative. I needed some meditative after the week I'd had. Papers and problem sets and no sleep... It was harsh.
Anyways, at around 6 our common room was full of food. I had just walked back from a very pleasant 3 hours with a new comic series: DMZ. It's pretty solid in terms of art and writing, and makes me think about social responsibility which is always a good thing to ruminate on. Endless digressions. Endless garlic, too, that night. We ate a huge meal, followed by 3 pies (pecan, pumpkin, and apple) and washed it all down with fresh apple cider. There's nothing like a solid meal to start out a good time.
We costumed as well. Em wore a child's ice-skating uniform, the skirt of which she removed to make a cape. She was Princess Super-Villain. Edith had a lot of trouble deciding, but finally went as a prairie vampire, which I thought was awesome. Eric wore my stringy blue shirt and I painted tribal tattoos on one arm. He was a member of Weapons of Mass Distraction. Hilarious.
I was Delirium from Sandman. Dorky as fuck, but a great reason to buy a fishnet body suit. I wore an oversized suit-jacket and pinned all kinds of ribbons into my hair. Edith has the perfect gold-swirly vest, and I borrowed that.
But that's not the interesting part. We were bored waiting for the fun to start, so we drove to a coffee shop. Everyone there was looking at a computer or reading. We were a little out of place.
Em loves lavender, so I convinced her to get a lavender steamer and I got a lavender cremosa. They were both exquisite. It's strange, how the flavor of lavender changes so much when its hot, cold, creamy, smoked, smelled, etc. They're all special and different.
Our band of merry misfits headed out to wander the industrial wasteland/pleasant neighborhoods of SE Portland. It's quite a juxtaposition.
No one knew where they were except for me. "Where are we going?" they would ask. "OMSI" I would respond. "No we're not," they would say. But I just kept leading the way, and eventually we trudged through the drizzle and made it to OMSI and walked down the pier to hang out by the submarine. None of them had been before, and standing on the water in the middle of a big city is transcendental. I think everyone got a lot out of it.
On the way back, they were all convinced that we were lost. I promised them again and again that navigation is not that hard and calm the fuck down. On the way we found a wreath on the sidewalk and put it on a house. Everyone was still convinced that we were lost. In the end, we were a little fucked because the sidewalk we needed to walk down for the last 50 yards was closed, and our other option was to walk through a tunnel in a bike lane next to a highway.
We took the long way around.
Driving back, Ellie drove us a little bit out of the way to show us the school where she worked. On the way, we drove past a group of Reed anarchopunks, one of whom is devastatingly beautiful. I had a dream wherein the only action was me trying to find words to describe his smile. While asleep. My subconscious felt the need to work overtime just to figure out what is so goshdarn magnetic about it.
And it would not be quite so pathetic if I had not also had 5 other dreams about him. Ehem. Anyways. It looked like they were going to the Red Light party.
Back at campus, Em and I went to Harvest Ball where I ate my first candy corn of the season. That stuff is catastrophically delicious. Then we visited the SU dance, and skipped around until Edith found us to go to the Red Light. I told them I'd seen him walking there.
This is where it gets too good to be true.
Less than 5 minutes after arriving, we run into eachother. All he says is "I want to kiss you."
It was really nice too. I'm not sure how much kiss-description is too much (probably any) but... okay, there was this perfect little hesitation before our lips touched.
Corrine interrupted it because she wanted to make out too. It's really alright that she did though, because otherwise I would never have stopped. After they walked away, I shouted "YES" at least 3 times, and basically collapsed against a wall in ecstasy. You think I'm exaggerating. The rest of the party was mostly me dancing and dreaming about what had happened.
At 3 am I was done. Em and I went to sit on the swings for a bit first, and talked about becoming who we wanted to be. Then we went home, and I slept till noon.
The next day I mostly just daydreamed.

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