These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sundays are always the same. FULL OF EPIC PHYSICS.

So, I’m employed. Not gainfully employed, but prestigiously employed. OMSI, motherfuckers. Damn straight. For two weeks now, I’ve worked 8 hours plus a half hour lunch break in the physics lab on Sunday. They have more than four Van De Graff generators, a theramin (oh lordy), a TESLA COIL (HOLY COWCLICKS!) and a Gaussian Rifle (my personal favorite) and one of Edison’s early lightbulbs, and nano particles of iron in water. There is no end to the excellence that goes down there.
My coworkers are chill too. We talk about random stuff mostly, but they’re cool nerds. The coolest has a degree in mechanical engineering and works at OHSU. Interesting fella. Actually, they are all fellas. There is one girl who works in chem, but all the physics kids are dudes. It’s okay. I hold down the fort.
Also, working at OMSI means that I get a membership which lets in 4 people under 20, 1 over 20, and me. So, OMSI parties will be going down, frequently.
I’m exhausted. There is your overview of my work.

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