These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Perks of Being Just a Little Bit Death-Plagued

Today I slept for two hours between 12 and 2 pm. What a strange time for a nap, you may say, and you would be right. This bizarre doziness is the main reason I got a mono test. You know, apart from knowing that I was exposed. Anyways, for now it’s negative, so woohoo! But for as miserable as my week of Reed Plague was, this strange dénouement is totally awesome. I feel really cozy all of the time. My attention span is shot, and I tend to fall asleep while doing work, but I can work all day because I really just feel like curling up with a book. And everything I’m doing is in a hazy of cozy, so I’m kind of out of it, but it feels real nice. It reminds me of Oxycodone a lot, actually. Everything is inconsequential and totally mellow. Yeah, I kind of miss the swingyness of real moods, but this has some of that too. I’m dozier pre-nap, and peppier post-nap. We’re just on a different scale, or a different part of the spectrum. I just felt the need to share how goddamn comfortable I feel. Yes, I may be sick. Yes, I may be barred from making out with people for a while. But boy, a really solid REM cycle in the middle of every day may be completely worth it. We shall see. I think this is how people get addicted to Oxy. I don’t think I’ll get addicted to mono, or whatever this is, just because that previous sentence is total bullshit, but I can see how it could happen, right? Apart from the disgusting brain latching and leaching that drugs do. You know. Okay, so I’m not the most coherent in this state of cozy goodness. But fuck coherence. At least until I have to write that hum paper.
I’ma go read a book and cuddle with a giant stuffed T-Rex. Make the most of this situation.

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