These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ya no te espero

llegarás pero más fuerte.

I've been listening to this song on repeat. This morning I couldn't stop laughing because the first two stanzas remind me of the feeling of getting rushed right before you finish walling (supposing you started at all) in Age.

It's great when a beautiful, poetic song also makes you smile to yourself about a private joke. My whole Wallowing playlist has this effect, because I cannot take myself seriously when I'm pining. Really, it's hard to take myself seriously when I'm sad or even miserable. 

There's a difference between "not taking yourself seriously" and "being able to laugh about the absurdity of human emotion while being compassionate with your own pain." I try to stay on the latter side, and music helps. It pushes me past the moping, over peak of pathos, and down into the gully of giggles. That is my emotional management strategy - take it or leave it. 

Probably leave it; there must be a better way.

Anyways, yesterday I woke up at 4 in the morning and couldn't sleep, so it was basically a wash. Today I slept a good amount, but not enough to get me back in action. My mind is foggy, my body is collapsing in slow motion. 

I want to play Age, but I've been losing terribly and I'd rather play with friends.

Oh! I signed up for a ceramics class starting 7/23. Time to start cutting my fingernails again. 

I have 5 weeks coming up without obligation to my main job (also without a paycheck from my main job).

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