These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Friday, April 18, 2014

quantum midterm

I decided I would leave to do some last minute studying for the quantum midterm in 7 minutes. Hum Play is today, I just finished the softball logo, I'm thinking about going to the Tattoo place maybe to talk, I need to start my Renn Fayre project and plant my garden.

On the other hand, Nitrogen Day went swimmingly and so did my J-Lab presentation and the electro midterm was alright I think. I'm in the finals for my perfect summer job, me vs one other mystery Reedie, but I think I've got it on lock. It is a perfect job for me. It is everything I've struggled with perfectly nested in everything I am good at. Plus it leaves me plenty of time to work on my own projects and also play and pick berries and lay in the sun and travel Oregon on the weekends!

And I guess that's my life. I realized that this semester I've gotten so close to all of my friends as I distance myself from my work. I feel so lucky to have had that experience. Even when I felt isolated and was crying every day all I had to do was go to commons or invite people over and they would come and spend time with me and make me feel like a worthy person.

Look, I don't know when my artistry will come back (probably summer, lets be real) but I think a little genuine synopsis never heart anyone.

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