These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hum Play MXIV

I walked down the hill, smiling. An altoid dissolved in my mouth, sugar and LSD making their way through my tongue. Soccer moms walked by me, avoiding eye contact. I slipped into the Hum Play line as it was standing up to enter Vollum Lecture hall. I filed in with my friends touching me.

Stepping on seats to cross the audience, I absorbed the excitement. I hugged the old cast and squirmed through the new one as their breath quickened and the hour hand clicked closer to seven o'clock. When the opening credits rolled, I was crouched on the ground, a serious Reed political science professor standing against the wall a few feet away. I threw my glitter and fell into my seat.

My body was tense with laughter, and my depth perception flitted in and out of operation as faces grew and distended. A physics professor sat with her feet on the table, and though I couldn't hear her words I was glad that she was there.

The cup on the floor was full of gin, but I wanted water so badly that I decided to pretend. At intermission I knelt by the water fountain and drank and drank.

After the play I "helped" clean up. I had monopoly money and tampons in my fists, but no clear goal with either piece of litter. Finally I was relieved of my wandering efforts, and scurried to the balcony to reflect  with a friend.

Walking home to breathe before heading to the after party, the trees dipped and stretched. The parking lot curved concave and the cars sat like jelly beans on its surface. Shadows and lamplight tickled the cartoon scene. I felt like I was in a Miyazaki movie. Mottled trees hung above my forehead as I tiptoed up the slope. I felt like a child again. I walked up the hill, laughing.

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