These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My computer is in FUBAR mode. I think that one of the Game of Thrones links may have made it angry. In any case, that means that I've been without a computer basically since I last posted. This was a hidden boon during finals week, because I was unable to do any embarrassing procrastination in the library. Now I am home, on the 20+ inch macintosh, sitting with my back to my mother's computer. This is also not a prime blogging orientation, but we will make do.
I had a cool thought today, which I will express plainly here because I expressed it artfully in my other journal. I am all about balance. This other journal of which I speak was found deep in a drawer in my room, hidden from sight by half of a rainbow pinata. It was a birthday gift from my aunt when I was 9 years old. It only had a few pages filled in, but they were from 2002. I think it's my earliest journal.
The thought in question was... my, this is easier in fancy words. That was not the thought. That was a metathought. Okay, look. Anais Nin: pretty boss at journaling, amirite? Other dedicated journalers: very awesome. Many books, full of thoughts. One reads about them and imagines volumes dated 1945-48, 1948-50, 1950-51, etc.
But my journals are not linear. 
I frequently write in 2 at once, especially counting this one. Sometimes I write in two of them on the same day, a day like this one. Sometimes I write the same thing in two of them, a thing like this one.
I like it.
My life is not linear, my thoughts are not written once and left to be as such forever. I started this internet-beast so that I wouldn't have to write an adventure 6 times for all of my friends to read it. I think that the repetition is powerful, though. I think the change of medium is important. This seems right. I don't want to be linear. I want to be scattered and wonder again and again.

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