These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1111, that lucky number (of page views on this blog. I am so impressed) THIS IS ABOUT RENN FAYRE THO.

Yo, this gaping hole in my blogging will make me sad later. There is shit to report on, I promise. Future Julia, I did not go into a coma for 3 weeks.
Like, Stop Making Sense. 2x through the music video, 200 mg MDMA, and then  A FUCKING OWL FIGHT. Fighting til 5 am to win the owl for the crust-punks, to no avail. The rugby team got it and my heart weeps forever. It was a beautiful adventure though, and fighting for the anarchists while wearing my sequin American flag dress was my favorite kind of irony.
I'll put up some pictures of my Renn Fayre project from my fancy phone-upload-technology-party. In the mean time, let it be known that I am aquainted with both the drill and the measuring tape, and we are fast friends. Much sawing and painting occurred last week, and in the end I had a platform raised 4 ft. off the ground that 6+ people could sit in. It went on the front lawn and radiated fabulousness for 3.5 days.
Thursday was maybe the best day of Renn Fayre. I finished the project with my friends, and then rode it down to campus in the back of a flatbed truck. I pulled a "we are infinite" rolling down Woodstock. I felt like I was rolling, the joy was so consuming. I acted like a fool for the rest off the night, I was so high off of success.
I flitted from project to project, always getting pulled in to one event or another. I kept forgetting people I'd promised to meet here or there, but they too had their own concerns and it was stress free.
I finished my project and went to help Edith with her inverted face illusions. Then I went to the balloon room for a bit, helped Olde Chittick paint some weird signs that said "Mission Accomplished" with GWBush's face and "This is a good thing" and "This Renn Fayre Sponsored by Google." Then I ran into Neal and Greg's pyramid sculpture, and then the Integral (a crashlanded welded space ship that went in Eliot Circle). I hopped in the back of the White Heron and went to get burritos with a couple of friends. I drank Horchata and spun around in circles. At 2 am I called it quits. The next day I turned in 3 sheets of paper, "Problem set 36 sorry not sorry edition" "Problem set 12 (I'll do it during Reading Week)" and also an 11th problems et in the same vein. They all featured a background picture of my Renn Fayre project.
Friday, I felt guilty about not doing my homework. But then school was rapidly over and I got to spend linear algebra writing in my new journal (squeee!!! also a reason this blog has been bare) and it was all gravy. I helped Edith a little bit with her project, but I was too impatient to start Renn Fayre-ing to be of much use. I think I was mostly just a calming presence. Then I changed into my Spaceman Spiff Onesie (which will get much future use) and participated in Occupy ChitBalc. Olde Chittick returned to their home turf and drank and painted faces and spilled glitter until 3 pm, when we rolled over to Thesis Parade.
It wasn't quite like last year. Not even like Spring/Fall this year. I didn't get wrapped up in the electricity of kissing everyone. I wanted something deeper. Sometimes it did feel special, but most of the people I wanted to kiss seemed distracted, or something. I gotta work up some more sexual tension before next thesis parade. One good kiss, however, lead to my fucking... 8th? crush on an inhabitant of the Hotboxxx. I really need to stop. Or they need to start wearing paper bags over their fucking sexy faces and their fucking sexy brains. Ugh. Why are my friends so hot this is not okay.
Lyle and I sat in my mushroom for a while and reminisced. So pleasant.
Edith was having a rough time. A lotta feelings bubbled to the surface as a lotta champaign bubbled in her tummy. We ate food, and sat in my mushroom, and eventually went to sleep on Chittick's couches after I took a much needed shower. I took out my hairties and the pigtails were suspended by dried champaign.
Then it was time for our border patrol shift, but Edith couldn't stop vomiting and couldn't walk so I ended up being paired with a random alum. We had an okay time. The rest of Friday night was pretty chill. Some hanging out, some dancing, then some sleep.
Fast forward to Saturday at 9 am, because I don't remember my dreams. Physics baseball had a game and a stumbled out of my dorm and out to the rugby pitch only to find 2 teams worth of people wearing physics T shirts. Art History didn't show up. Classic.
I had a relaxing morning and got dressed. Tie dye t-shirt under lace dress with shiny floral shorts and my bling'd out utility belt. I was ready to rock.
Edith and I had a lovely whippit in the pyramid as I was first feeling the 2ce. I took around 22-25mg, which is a slightly higher dose than last time. This was the first time I had ever taken a psychedelic that I'd taken before, and now I know that it doesn't matter because it had more in common with 25i than the other 2ce trip. I think I'll write the rest of Renn Fayre later, I'm tired. But yeah. It was an incredible fucking weekend.

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