These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

All Radicals Have Daddy Issues

Hanging out with three anarchists, I ended up feeling grouped in with them whenever our host said "you all" while talking about your political views. In my temporary introvert headspace, I didn't pipe up. I mostly just tried to keep all of the different political parties they were talking about in order. I didn't realize that the far left got so bloody fractured and complicated.
The boys ran off to buy some cheap wine, and it was just me and the girl. She has a huge knife with a bright orange handle at her waist, at all times.
So, we talked about pacifism.
It was interesting. When it was just her and me, we had a good exchange. She thought that pacifism could only come from a very privileged background. She kept trying to make it impossible by talking about the small instances of personal attacks. It helped me remember the main point of my pacifism:
Violence is not a tool for positive change.
She had good points too. There is a reality of violence that will not go away.
Then the rest of the crew came back and spoke their piece on the issue. I'll make my point some other time. I think that they were too used to my being silent for me to change tactics immediately.

On our walk, I  mentioned that I wasn't sure if I wanted to be just like my dad, or avoid that life completely. S responded "all radicals have daddy issues." The phrase was repeated several times during the weekend, so apparently it's a staple joke.
But the first time... Okay, another anecdote first. Another housemate of S's, who had been on leave last year, said that he thought it was totally natural for me to be part of their group, that he hadn't even thought twice when I had been at a meeting. I was there to interview them for the Quest, but hey. Apparently I fit in.
I don't know if I agree. It doesn't quite sit comfortably to be called a radical. I don't always sit comfortably in their company.

I don't know if I deserve it. I certainly haven't earned it.

But it's all fascinating and exhilarating and seems important. Maybe it will grow on me.
I always avoid groups like the plague.

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