These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spring/Fall is a Beautiful Friday

Yeah, I'll get back to the Owl Fight and stuff.
Spring/Fall 2011 was my first official Thesis Parade. I have mono, so I was unable to make out with random people and drink a lot of alcohol. I did have a swig of champagne though, and somebody bit my neck, so I still quasi-participated in those traditions.
The High Seas theme was mostly appreciated by people who chose alternative interpretations, like a bag of clementines, a boy's Reed GPA, and a girl dressed as carbon. There were some pirates, and sea nymphs also. Mostly people just dressed strangely. I wore my craze skirt-that-is-gypsy-tassels to great effect, for the main activity was dancing to a repetitive drum beat. The drum beat was more impressive because some of the drummers were making out and drumming at the same time, and still others allowed their drums to be manipulated by completely trashed revelers who were not particularly rhythmic. My socks were soon soaked through, which I was not surprised by because it's Oregon, so of course.... Wait, it hasn't rained since Monday... Oh, maybe we just created puddles of CHAMPAGNE outside of the library. Yes, it looked like it had rained. It even convinced me. But when it dried in my hair it was much stickier than rain, so that kinda gave away the apparent weather phenomenon.
Nikole was done with Spring/Fall a bit before I was, but I'm glad I left while I was still having fun because that's how I remember it now. I wrote another 500 words of my Hum paper, which is due in 7 hours, and then played chess with Lyle. I also took the opportunity to show him the musical styling of Lil' B, which he appreciated. Nikole was napping on a proximal couch, but woke up in the middle of "I Look Like Jesus."  I imagine that's what it's like to be born during Brechtian play, but I think we'll never know for sure. The evening was a blur of messing with Photobooth, consuming cold pizza and pie and double  cold ice cream and dancing in the dome.
Later, Lyle wanted to see the band. They started late though, so we sat in a tree. Good talks. Then he listened to the band and I mono'd, so I left and stargazed for a while and then read comic books to reheat. Everyone has said to read Sandman, so I tried, but I wasn't captivated. I think it's the art that really doesn't click. Anyways, I gave up and read an issue and a half of Transmetropolitain, to remember what it's like to be in love. Because I am the expert on that.
Ahh... It was pretty beautiful. I can't wait for Renn Fayre.

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