These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Life Slows down on a Sunday Off of Work.

Wow, it's been a long time since I logged an adventure. The logical places to go are fall break, the owl fight, Halloween, Livewire and the afterparty in my immune system (since that one was so recent), and I'm sure I'll think of others. The truth of the matter is that between mono and having more work than before, I've been too lazy to instigate many adventures. Too lazy really means asleep, reading Transmetropolitan, or, you know, working. Yes, what you just read was me admitting to READING FOR PLEASURE WHILE AT REED COLLEGE?!?!?!? Yeah, I know, it's wild. But it's really the only thing that makes me feel better. Kind of like what QC did for me last time I was totally sick. And Transmet is about a futuristic dystopian Hunter S. Thompson. So, yeah, it's mindporn.
I'll just start at fall break. I climbed mountains. I felt very strong. It's capoeira's fault, really. It gives my legs mega strength. Though aerial is giving me some mild ab strength, as I can now do an upsidown straddle with only the teensiest of jumps. Right right, awesome mountains. Yosemite is an unbelievable place. I have not seen other places like it, ever. The scale, and the shapes, and the colors. Plus the fact that for every unbelievable rock face, there was someone out there who had climbed it. Wild. I didn't push myself as hard as I should have, physically I mean, because my mind was elsewhere. Elsewhere namely being in the position of seeing a problem and being asked for input. And having something of an idea of what to do about it.
We can discuss the nature of the problem some other time, but it's unusual that a people problem can be approached from the perspective of one deeply vested in it's positive resolution, but also completely removed from the actual situation. I considered it an opportunity. I hope I helped.
Freakin' San Francisco. Man, I just kinda wandered around in a daze. It's a real city. Portland is way too new, too relaxed. SF is comfortable in its skin, but it's also a little tighter, and faster. Brighter too, but that may have been the fault of sunlight. No, actually, even when it was foggy, and windy and freezing and I was sitting on top of Buena Vista Park looking out at a massive grey cloud floating by... It was a metropolitan zone. The kickin' architecture still peaked/peeked through... Oh, and the Golden Gate Bridge. That was magical, as visual stimuli goes. So many cities, tucked into the land... Augh, I don't know what to feel, even in retrospect! Overwhelmed, I guess.
Oh, and my bald head was well loved in the city. People stopped me in the street to remark on how smokin' hot I was. That always makes me like a city better, in that superficial way that is so obviously the influence of unstable self esteem. That's why I don't hate Toulouse.
Anyways, more adventures to come.

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