These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Hey, while I was not reading Thucydides (who is great, by the way, my attention span is just a shriveled useless whore) I took down the lyrics of a song I rather like. It's Pork Goulash, a translation of a Czech song, which Jason Webley did. After an hour of work (okay, a selective shriveled useless whore) I have acheived what I believe are approximately the basic lyrics. He changes your to this or feeling to feel me and all sorts of randomness depending on the show. This song was on one of his limited edition CDs, so I pieced it together from Youtube. Someday I'll get off my ass and download an official version.
The song...

Pork Goulash

Here we lie perpendicular breathing
Our breath gives off steam
I trace shapes on the hand behind
Punish me once again, tease me
These moments when anger has overthrown reason
Patterns which make our skin

Seizures, pleasures, pressure, future, closeness
now we must try to find our way
Throught the nearest open way
And oh.

Your voice, at night, I feel it sets through the air above me
Giant laughter, hung there, sweetly, like a star
Shines in our eyes

Speaking, all you want, there it’s yours
Jesus what have you done, love is not pork goulash,

My breath and pulse why the rush?
Feel me

This thunder this lighting, these lecherous lapses
This pathetic whining,
Just go

Seizures, pleasures, pressure, future, closeness
now we must try to find our way
Throught the nearest open way
And oh.

Your voice, at night, I feel it sets through the air above me
Giant laughter, hung there, sweetly, like a star
Shines in our eyes

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