These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

There is such a thing as too much freedom

It's the end of another pandemic weekend! There were a few good Age games, and I read The Quaker by Liam Mcllvanney. It was a good plot, but not as well written as The Story of a Crime.

Maybe I should get the new Elena Ferrante in French, since it's already out! I also need to get Braiding Sweetgrass, and I saw a book called Phallacy hyped by Ed Yong on Twitter that I think I'll look for as well.

I bought Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby at Solid State this weekend. I just started The Terrorists today, to wrap up the Martin Beck series ahead of our early September book club. 

What else - I watched Viper play the Deathmatch World Cup this morning. They were exciting games, but nothing super creative or unusual. It was cool to hear him evaluate the game as it evolved, talking about what went well and what was a bad trade, and how comfortable he felt at any stage. It wasn't a very close competition, but that made it more relaxing than the normal deathmatch nail-biters.

I played three games of Age today. 1v1s - the first I lost after 1.5 hrs gametime, and the next two I won. The middle one was ridiculous - he hid all over the ravines map and made me run around and find him, but he never really boomed. The last one I was proud of - I did a few good archer pushes and got a lot of vill kills. He resigned kind of early but I was quite far ahead in villagers and map control. 

On Thursday I'll be back at clay. I have a few projects planned that will be interesting and exciting. The teacher might have some ideas for me/the class as well. I hope it feels safe, and I hope it makes me feel curious and creative. It's gonna be a bitch to get there without gears on my bike but it seems like every shop in the city is overwhelmed with work.

Yesterday's Age games were a blast. In one team game, I was down to two villagers right before castle age! In another, I only made flaming camels for the last 10 minutes. In another, Gameboy and a Sinergy dude played basically without me, because it was arena and I just boomed. But, the flaming camels game was ridiculous and fun. We laughed so hard. 

I'm still so lonely for my friends, whoever they are. I feel very lost, like I don't have real connections to anyone except my boyfriend and my Age friends, and the Age connections are tenuous. 

So, that is some of what's going on. Work is still mellow, because I barely do any!

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