These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Last Day of Class(ical)

I woke up at 6:30 this morning and pressed snooze twice. Pressing snooze means walking across my room and pressing the button and laying back down. That's how little I wanted to do my work.

I could have done my work last night. Well, by anyone else's definition of "could." Instead, I drank Spumante and watched the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

So at 7:00 this morning I was wearing a sequin dress with my mesh "I sing the body ELECTRIC" shirt over it. I looked fly, but my homework refused to do itself. I absentmindedly "studied" for my chem exam, sent despairing snapchats, and fiddled with my physics.

I thought about wearing my funderwear, but the day seemed so unsalvageable that I didn't even bother.

Then I went down the hill.

The chem test wilted at my touch. It became flaccid and weak under my pen. I emerged victorious, with 20% of the time still left over.
I know some people believe in "checking your answers" but Kanye sums up my test-taking philosophy pretty well:

When it's over it's over. Bitch I'm back out my coma.

Well, with 10 extra minutes, the Electro problem set was no problem. Credit where credit is due, without my lovely study buddy it would have taken way longer. I even had time to do most of the classical problem set. Stressless, with just a little bit left to do, I walked out of the library and to Physics 123: my most frequent haunt.

Then I watched everything fall into place. I wanted to cry, I laughed, I twitched and felt shivers flicker across my arms. My belly felt warm and my thighs clenched. My cheeks tensed and I sighed and cooed because the physics was beautiful.

It's kind of this:

I don't know how to talk about it yet. I don't even understand it yet. But I will, and I know how beautiful it is.

I didn't want to relax my face, and I didn't want to sit down. But I wanted to finish the last classical problem set and I did.

In classical I learned a way to derive the equation of motion for light rays from the lagrangian for light waves. Then, we talked about throwing an object with rotation around different principle axes, and which ones were stable vs. which are almost impossible to maintain rotation around. That was amazing too.

My classes are perfect. My field is perfect. Physics is amazing. I've made good choices.

I will miss classical mechanics. That was an amazing course.

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