These aren't secrets, but I haven't told anyone either.
I may sound bipolar but I mostly just write about really great things or really bad things. Extremes, right?
I promise my feelings are continuous over the real emotions.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wednesday, After Classes are Over and It Is High Time to Make Mistakes

Holy shit. Last night/Yesterday... I don't even know. Don't let the title fool you. It was amazing. And everything felt just a little bit fated.
I finished class at 11 am. Yup, the last class of the semester. What. A semester is gone. What. I could not even believe.
So, to make up for that I thought about my French final a lot. I was thinking really intensely. Just, so much thought. The writing didn't actually begin until today at 1... But boy did I consider it.
Then I goofed off and ate and stretched and let my brain turn off. You know, it just feels good to have a moment alone with your liberty and relax.
That was the last moment.
I was convinced that aerial started at 3pm. Then, when no one was there, I showed up again at 3:30 pm. At that point, I assumed it was canceled. By random happenstance, I see the theatre history class in a geurilla presentation of their final projects. I follow them to their french classical theatre production in the squash courts, where freshman and other lower class citizens must take balcony seats. From our balcony seats, we heckle and wolf whistle and basically have a kickin' time.
Then I was faced with a decision. To go to physics seminar, or to not go to physics seminar. Perhaps I have told you of my interest in chaos? Perhaps... oh wait, maybe I didn't tell you how that missed connection I wrote turned out... Anyways, I'll do that later. Well, it was my missed connection's presentation of his physics thesis on CHAOTIC PENDULUMS bestillmyheart, but I was afraid to go and look creepy. I got over that fear, and went, and ate a cookie, and learned a little bit.
Then I was gripped by a sudden urge to visit the thesis tower and read Nick Tuffilaro's thesis, which is also about chaotic pendulums, but a little more (way more) old school. It was pretty awesome. Full of silly quotations and nonsense. Then, I decided to read Frank's thesis on electric fish BUT WAIT, in the introduction he thanks MORRIS WRIGHT for being super chill, also helpful. That means that I had the first name and last name of the person who wrote the thesis on how honey drizzles. Before this, I knew the author as "Mo." Excellent.
Well, there was some confusion because her first name is secretly Catherine, but I found it, and flipped through it, and it was great.
And my missed connection happened to be studying in the thesis tower too. I swear I did not know that pile of cool stuff was his. What. Fate. No really, that shit was awesome. Laurels, an apple, sketch books, physics books... Kids at Reed create study environments like fucking pros. Because they are pros at studying, I guess.
Then, I walk back towards the SU, where I find aerial people setting up the rig. What? Yeah, I was off by an hour, it started at 4:30. Anyways, I ended up helping out, and climbing because I think I'm finally over the hump with mono. Then, my missed connection comes and plays for a sec. He's gonna start coming all the time next semester. Crazy. Also, I did awesome tricks. One particularly exciting trick which was brought on by a desire to show off actually ended up getting really exciting when my legs went a full 360 degrees over my head instead of the prescribed 180. It was exciting, and I didn't die. I love aerial.
Then, we packed up and I went to get ready for the parties. Clothing was scanty, to say the least. Mascara was overused, to put it mildly.
First, the Quest party. We drank beer and wine to celebrate our achievements. I mostly giggled with Sasha and flirted a little bit with... well, a lot of them. It was fun, but I emerged with a mass of red letters on my legs. I can decipher 'cunt' quite clearly, but the rest is a mess. I got rather tipsy. Remember how I decided I didn't have mono? Well, that makes it okay to drink now, because my liver will not be fucked up, because I don't have mono anymore. This is when 'mistakes' enter the picture. I mean, I'm still alive, it just probably wasn't completely responsible.
Then we went to Chittick. It got less responsible.
For a while, I was mostly just dancing around, whatever, super drunk. Then, I started pole dancing on a support beam for the building. At that point, Liana comes up to me and says "I don't care if I get mono."
So, I decided I also didn't have enough mono to keep me from kissing people. So, I had a little fun.
One element of my fun was particularly AWESOME. I kissed the guy who dresses as Hunter S. Thompson so convincingly. It was the most very awesomest. I kept telling people "oh man, I really wanna just go bite his neck" and they were all like "do it, do it!" and I was nervous. But then I felt particularly sexy for a moment and tapped him on the shoulder and said "you're so beautiful" and then I kissed him. It was a really nice protracted one too.
This morning he said "thanks for the kiss last night" and I said "you're welcome, anytime." Still not sure if that was the correct response. I mean, it was true, just probably not socially appropriate.
Then I went home at about 1 am, but I couldn't sleep till 5. I was really drunk, and felt kind off. I drank a lot of water, and my eyes aren't yellow so I think I'm okay.
Good start to finals week? Fuck yeah.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Hey, while I was not reading Thucydides (who is great, by the way, my attention span is just a shriveled useless whore) I took down the lyrics of a song I rather like. It's Pork Goulash, a translation of a Czech song, which Jason Webley did. After an hour of work (okay, a selective shriveled useless whore) I have acheived what I believe are approximately the basic lyrics. He changes your to this or feeling to feel me and all sorts of randomness depending on the show. This song was on one of his limited edition CDs, so I pieced it together from Youtube. Someday I'll get off my ass and download an official version.
The song...

Pork Goulash

Here we lie perpendicular breathing
Our breath gives off steam
I trace shapes on the hand behind
Punish me once again, tease me
These moments when anger has overthrown reason
Patterns which make our skin

Seizures, pleasures, pressure, future, closeness
now we must try to find our way
Throught the nearest open way
And oh.

Your voice, at night, I feel it sets through the air above me
Giant laughter, hung there, sweetly, like a star
Shines in our eyes

Speaking, all you want, there it’s yours
Jesus what have you done, love is not pork goulash,

My breath and pulse why the rush?
Feel me

This thunder this lighting, these lecherous lapses
This pathetic whining,
Just go

Seizures, pleasures, pressure, future, closeness
now we must try to find our way
Throught the nearest open way
And oh.

Your voice, at night, I feel it sets through the air above me
Giant laughter, hung there, sweetly, like a star
Shines in our eyes

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spring/Fall is a Beautiful Friday

Yeah, I'll get back to the Owl Fight and stuff.
Spring/Fall 2011 was my first official Thesis Parade. I have mono, so I was unable to make out with random people and drink a lot of alcohol. I did have a swig of champagne though, and somebody bit my neck, so I still quasi-participated in those traditions.
The High Seas theme was mostly appreciated by people who chose alternative interpretations, like a bag of clementines, a boy's Reed GPA, and a girl dressed as carbon. There were some pirates, and sea nymphs also. Mostly people just dressed strangely. I wore my craze skirt-that-is-gypsy-tassels to great effect, for the main activity was dancing to a repetitive drum beat. The drum beat was more impressive because some of the drummers were making out and drumming at the same time, and still others allowed their drums to be manipulated by completely trashed revelers who were not particularly rhythmic. My socks were soon soaked through, which I was not surprised by because it's Oregon, so of course.... Wait, it hasn't rained since Monday... Oh, maybe we just created puddles of CHAMPAGNE outside of the library. Yes, it looked like it had rained. It even convinced me. But when it dried in my hair it was much stickier than rain, so that kinda gave away the apparent weather phenomenon.
Nikole was done with Spring/Fall a bit before I was, but I'm glad I left while I was still having fun because that's how I remember it now. I wrote another 500 words of my Hum paper, which is due in 7 hours, and then played chess with Lyle. I also took the opportunity to show him the musical styling of Lil' B, which he appreciated. Nikole was napping on a proximal couch, but woke up in the middle of "I Look Like Jesus."  I imagine that's what it's like to be born during Brechtian play, but I think we'll never know for sure. The evening was a blur of messing with Photobooth, consuming cold pizza and pie and double  cold ice cream and dancing in the dome.
Later, Lyle wanted to see the band. They started late though, so we sat in a tree. Good talks. Then he listened to the band and I mono'd, so I left and stargazed for a while and then read comic books to reheat. Everyone has said to read Sandman, so I tried, but I wasn't captivated. I think it's the art that really doesn't click. Anyways, I gave up and read an issue and a half of Transmetropolitain, to remember what it's like to be in love. Because I am the expert on that.
Ahh... It was pretty beautiful. I can't wait for Renn Fayre.